2014 – 2017 Work on several art projects artists in schools of the cultural argents program
2007 Artist curator of the international project “Conspiracy Dwellings”, Erfurt and London
2005 – 2007 Lectureship at the University Erfurt (Germany)
1998 – 2003 Studies of fine art and video-design at the Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany and Ècole Supérieur des Beaux Arts Geneva, Switzerland
1995 – 1999 Curator and initiator of four different European art studio projects, Erfurt (Germany)
1995 Studio exchange in Amsterdam, Netherlands
1992 International Performance Festival in Erfurt (Germany), initiator, curator, actor
1990 Member founder of the Artist House “Kunsthaus”, Erfurt (Germany)
1981 – 1989 Education and work experience as restorer for paintings at the Church-Studio Erfurt
2022 Recipient of Research scholarship of the Berlin Senate for Cultural Affairs, Berlin
2017 Artist-in-Residence, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, grant of Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations
2016 Artist-in-Residence, Goethe Institute of Gulf Region and Stal Gallery, Muscat (Oman)
2015 Travel grant of German Films and Senate for Culture Affairs of Berlin
2014 Artist-in-Residence 1Shanti Road Studio Gallery, Bangalore, India
2013 Recipient of a film grant for an international film production of medienboard, Berlin
2012 Recipient of scholarship of the Thuringian Cultural Foundation (Germany)
2011 Recipient of scholarship of the Berlin Senate for Cultural Affairs, Berlin
2010 Artist-in-Residence, 435 International Artist Village, Banciao City, T.C. (Taiwan)
2009 Artist-in-Residence, Art Commune ACSL in Yerevan (Armenia)
2009 Recipient of a grant of Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (Germany)
2008 Recipient of scholarship of the Thuringian Cultural Foundation (Germany)
2007 Green Island Human Rights International Artists’ Workshop, Green Island (Taiwan)
2006 HweiLan International Artist Workshop, Hualien (Taiwan)
2003 Artist-in-Residence Program at the University Tasmania, Academy of Arts (Australia)
2000 Recipient of national scholarship of Free State of Thuringia (Germany)
1994 Residency in Mexico-City and Quetzaltenango (Guatemala)
1992 Recipient of scholarship of Kulturfonds Berlin (Germany)
2024 Echos der Bruderländer, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, HKW, Berlin
2023 Unbound Performance As Rupture, Julia Stoschek Foundation, Berlin
2023. Haut/Hülle/Organ/Archiv, Zentrum für Aktuelle Kunst, Zitadelle Spandau, Berlin
2022. It’s a «She Thing». Frauenmuseum Berlin, Kommunale Galerie Berlin (Germany)
2022. #1+eins, together with Ulrike Dornis, Kunstverein Neukoelln, Berlin (Germany) (S)
2021/22 Hosen haben Röcke an, nGbK, Berlin (Germany)
2020 maximal radikal, Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt /O (Germany)
2020 Verwandlung Inszenierung Rollenspiel, Gedok Galerie, Berlin (Germany)
2019 Radical Women Artists Behind the Iron Curtain, Wende Museum, Los Angeles (USA)
2019 bauhausFRAUEN, Kunsthalle der Kunstmuseen Erfurt (Germany)
2019 Half of the world belongs to us, Galerie futura, Berlin (Germany)
2018/19 Medea muckt auf, radical artists behind the iron curtain Albertinum, Dresden (Germany)
2018 Rethinking identities, Haohouse contemporary, Taipei (Taiwan)
2018 Himmel über Berlin, Gedok Galerie, Berlin (Germany)
2018/19 PingPongPeng, together with Katia Fouquet, Kommunale Galerie, Berlin (Germany) (S)
2017/18 bilder fragen, H2-Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst im Glaspalast, Augsburg (Germany)
2017 Gabriele Münter Prize 2017 (Shortlist artists), Akademie der Künste, Berlin and Women Museum Bonn (Germany)
2016 Omani Song Book, Stal Gallery, Muscat (Oman) (S)
2016 Gegenstimmen, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (Germany)
2016 Welcome to Futuristan, Kunstquartier Betanien, Berlin (Germany)
2015 Reel & Imagined, Maison de la Culture de Cote-des-Neiges, Montreal (Canada)
2014 Guangzhou Live Art Festival 5, Guangzhou (China)
2013/14 Between Retreat and Provocation. Erfurt subculture, Kunsthalle Erfurt (Germany)
2013 Territories.beyond desire, Gallery futura, Berlin (Germany) (S)
2013 Britto International Art, Shilpakala Academy Dhaka (Bangladesh)
2013/12 Dying Eyes, China Academy of Arts HangZhou (CN), Museum of Medical Humanity Taipei (TW), Schmiede Media Art Festival, Hallein (A)
2012 Ambiguous being.who is afraid of identity, Hong Gah Museum Taipei (TW), Kuv16Gallery of Contemporary Art, TelAviv (IL), TamtamArt, Berlin
2011 imagine the future, Artobia Art Space, Hualien City (Taiwan)
2011 Territories of Intimacy, Gallery Oberwelt, Stuttgart (Germany) (S)
2010 Bouche a’ Oreille, savvy contemporary, Berlin (Germany) (S with Yingmei Duan)
2010 Fall Residency Artists, 435 International Artist Village Banciao T.C. (Taiwan)
2010 occupation: female artist, Gallery Futura, Berlin and Women Museum Bonn (Germany)
2009 and now, female artists from the GDR, Kuenstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin (Germany)
2009 Territory of Intimacy, Museum of Modern Art, Eriwan (Armenia) (S)
2008 Territory of Intimacy//Forbidden Kisses, Galeria e Vogel, National Gallery Tirana (Albania) (S)
2008 re.act..feminism-performance art, Akademie der Künste, Berlin (Germany)
2007 Conspiracy Dwellings, South Hill Park Art Gallery, Bracknell (UK)
2007 The Green Island Human Rights International Artists’ Workshop (Taiwan)
2006 Hweilan International Artist Workshop Results, Hualien (Taiwan)
2006 Pearls and sows, Museum of Young Art, Frankfurt (Germany)
2005 embedding, the former state security service prison in Erfurt (Germany)
2004 CO4 Taiwan Avant-Garde Documenta II, Taipei, department of cultural affair (Taiwan)
2004 Layers of Culture, Installation on the friendship island, Potsdam (Germany)
2003 Over Water-Underwater, Installation in the cavity of the bridge, Cologne (Germany) (S)
2001 secretly, Hidden Museum, Berlin, ACC-Gallery, Weimar (Germany)
2000 Gabriele Münter Prize, Frauen-Museum, Bonn (Germany)
2000 International Art Prize 2000, art gallery werkP2, Hürth (Germany)
2000 Can one eat art? Citadel Spandau, Berlin (Germany)
1999 Light Houses, slides and video projection on towers in the old city of Erfurt (Germany)
1999 Art is ego, subterranean ways of the citadel Petersberg, Erfurt (Germany)
1999 Layers of Culture, Town Museum, Siegburg and Castle Museum, Gotha (Germany)
1997 The Golden Fleece, Gallery „Zum Güldenen Krönbacken „, Erfurt (Germany)
1996 Angezählt, Anger Museum, Erfurt (Germany)
1996 Nordlicht-Südlicht, Galerie Formidabile, Erfurt (Germany) (S)
1995 5-Room-Apartment, Gallery „Zum Güldenen Krönbacken“, Erfurt (Germany)
1994 Files and Letters, Gallery „Harderbastei“, Ingolstadt (Germany)
1994 Zugvögel, Museum Gallery Gotha, „Dschungelgöttinnen“, Gallery Kunsthaus Erfurt (Germany) (S)
1993 Rips, project in public spaces, Erfurt (Germany)
1992 Archäologische Zeitzeichen, Gallery Kunsthaus Erfurt (Germany) (S)
1991 Atlantis, Ballhaus Nordpark, Düsseldorf and Galerie 22 Stuttgart (Germany) (S with G. Stötzer)
1990 Lautre Allemagne hors les murs, Gallery “La Vilette”, Paris (France)
2022 Directors Lounge Screening, Z-Bar, Berlin
2020 Vision and Failure, Alfred Gallery, Tel Aviv (Israel)
2019 Screening Verena Kyselka, Kunsthalle Erfurt (Germany)
2019 Ida Kerkovius, Kunsthaus, Apolda (Germany)
2018 Rückgabe, Screening of Medienwerkstatt, Kino Central, Berlin (Germany)
2017 Genius loci, Galerie Oberwelt, Stuttgart (Germany)
2017 Directors Lounge Screening, Z-Bar, Berlin (Germany)
2016 contemporary art ruhr, Zeche Zollverein, Essen (Germany)
2016 medienwerkstatt at Berliner Liste, Kraftwerk Berlin (Germany)
2015 On The Road Film Festival, Spot Taipei Film House, Taipei (Taiwan)
2015 Artist Fair Taiwan, Taipei (Taiwan)
2015 Sans Serif 2, New media art from Berlin, Gallery Carmelo Gonzáles, Havana (Cuba)
2015 Linke Kinonacht, Ufo Studios, Berlin (Germany)
2015 Screening program of media workshop, Kino Central, Berliner Liste, Kraftwerk, Berlin
2015 Papay Gyro Night Video Art Festival, Orkney Islands Scottland, Videotage Hong Kong
2015 Displaced Festival, Mendelsohnhalle Luckenwalde (Germany)
2014 Filmfest Berlin-Lichtenberg (Germany)
2014 Filmfest Dresden, Kino Schauburg, Dresden (Germany)
2013 Künstlerinnen Programm, Kino arsenal, Berlin (Germany)
2012 exDox, International experimental documentary Film Festival
2012 Schmiede Media Art Festival, Hallein (Austria)
2011 TRANSEUROPA Festival, Kino arsenal, Berlin (Germany)
2011 24th STUTTGARTER FILMWINTER, Film festival Stuttgart, Friction followers (Germany)